Mystic Feelings of Depths Unknown

Mystic Feelings of Depths Unknown

As I chatted and lunched by the Swan River near Fremantle in Western Australia, the winter wind created ripples on the water causing a mystic feeling of depths unknown. It was an appropriate energy for our conversation - sharing some strange and deep experiences of life that may not have been revealed in a different setting.

…..I watched the river flow around the pylons of the Fremantle bridge and remembered…Grief - we build our life around it.



Although I haven’t answered, I love hearing from you. I have read every message, some two and three times, to fully drink in and embrace the love.

A huge thank you for respecting my personal space. It is not only in the alone moments that grief surrounds but also in the moments of love and compassion and memories, a song, a place, a thought…this period cannot be rushed.

Thank you..

Thank you..

A huge thank you for respecting my personal space these past six weeks since my bestie David died. A beautiful human, who daily lived grace, love and gratitude.

Say not in grief that he is no more…

But in gratitude that he was.

Wherever you are in the world, I include you in my prayers, I feel thoughts and uplifting energies and know the joy of being connected to all within our global community and family.

My Bestie

My Bestie

These past thirteen months have been personal days of love and endurance. The love, prayers, messages, and support of those close by and those from afar, entwined with the memories of “best years” and “best moments” with my dearly beloved husband David, gave me strength to hold gratitude and faith.

My dearly loved bestie, David died in his sleep 13th December 2022.

Silent tears of abounding heartfelt love.

Listen: To Become the Master of Your Life.

Listen: To Become the Master of Your Life.

This is the essential question? Who is in charge of your life right now?

In these tumultuous times it is so challenging to get past all of the noise and hear the quiet voice of our guides and our inner spirit.
Consider this.. what are your most dominant thoughts through the day and the evening ? Who are the ‘influencers’ around you - your children, your family - your work colleagues. And as you are influenced by them - what influences are they subject to? What too are the unseen forces that are affecting us all - not only the obvious things but the more subtle cues - the changes in the atmosphere - the coming storm - the geomagnetic shifts.

Timeless Truth

Timeless Truth

Your life is an expression of your mind
You are the creator of your own universe.

from the musical theme of TIME.

The night sky called me again and again. I gazed at the stars and planets, the milky way, the waxing moon peeping through the fluffy white clouds in a cheeky playful way.

A tear streaked down my face as I whispered: "thank you, you have always been there. Even those nights when the sky is clouded, you are there."

Tonight the sparse feathery white wisps didn’t hide the twinkling lights. Simultaneously I was plunged into two worlds, the world of science and the world of the creative.

Your Genes are NOT written in Stone

Your Genes are NOT written in Stone

You have the potential to change your genetic fate.

You hear it all the time - "I have the gene for it... It's in my genes".
But when you can see the real 'risk factors' - that is the learned behaviours, the negative habits, the self harm patterns we have become stuck in - once you recognise these as the keys to activating the 'negative' genes - once we understand that these traits are where the real danger lies - we can activate our intellectual genius and reignite choice. Your DNA is not your destiny.

Become Your Creativity

Become Your Creativity

Unless you’ve made the shift to creating the life you want, it’s nearly impossible to create those things you most deeply yearn for…values aligned with prosperity, giving your gifts and teachings in ways that ensure they’re deeply received and recognised, meaningful relationships, thriving creativity and more.

It’s time to stop suppressing your creativity. It’s time to become that.