Your Genes are NOT written in Stone


You have the potential to change your genetic fate.

You hear it all the time - "I have the gene for it... It's in my genes". Some people have even gone so far to have surgery to circumvent the possibility of developing a particular type of disease they have discovered written in their genes. Yes genes can determine our physical traits; blue eyes or brown, but this does not mean they have the final say in how healthy you will be and even how long you will live.

Medicine is proclaiming loudly about the revelations of the genomic profile, new drugs and technologies are being touted as life extending - and the answer to many previously incurable diseases. But we know from work done by such visionaries as Dr Bruce Lipton that when your family genetics predispose you to certain health conditions, it is still only a risk factor, not a life sentence. 

The science of Epigenetics states that the environment is the key factor as to whether a gene is turned on or off. And what is our environment? Are we speaking simply of the surrounding factors in our lives such as weather, where we live, and how much toxic load we are exposed to? No: not only.. our emotional environment is also of great importance. Our inmost belief systems can affect the on or off switch of potentially life threatening genetic factors.

So what does all this mean?

It gives the power back to you. You can change the expression of your genes. 

When we arrive at a conscious understanding of the underlying emotion that has kept the risk factor active, and activate our inborn genius to it is possible to divert negative energy to positive outcome.

When you can see the real 'risk factors' - that is the learned behaviours, the negative habits, the self harm patterns we have become stuck in - once you recognise these as the keys to activating the 'negative' genes - once we understand that these traits are where the real danger lies - we can activate our intellectual genius and reignite choice. Your DNA is not your destiny.

The transformation of these factors, the revelation of how the aspects of your genetic history have held your ancestors in repeated behaviours relating to the 'risk factor' keeping it alive is a available to you.. It is a skill that can be learned and a deeply personal experience that can be shared .. to heal the unimaginable in the process to becoming the YOU that you have the unique capacity to be.

Transforming DNA Memories is the key..

When we identify, understand, and erase the risk-factor we not only clear our own behaviours that have held us mystified, or another word “stuck” but erase habitual negative behaviour patterns for future generations. 
 A work well worth doing.

I invite to share the experience with us.. and bring healing to open energy pathways to positive change, positive outcome.

Sylvia Marina

Transforming DNA Memories - find out more here.