Mystic Feelings of Depths Unknown

2023 July 10th Issue 821

A personal note from Sylvia

As I chatted and lunched by the Swan River near Fremantle in Western Australia, the winter wind created ripples on the water causing a mystic feeling of depths unknown. It was an appropriate energy for our conversation - sharing some strange and deep experiences of life that may not have been revealed in a different setting.

It's good to do different. Our workshop last Monday ‘Expanding Your Horizons’ delved deep into an experience that opened a new perspective on cellular memory. It was appropriate timing as most of the class had just come through Transforming DNA Memories and were primed ready for the Masterclass of expanding into new vistas.

In my June newsletter I shared my present reality of life change. I now know deep in my being, that grief is not something that suddenly disappears, neither does it fade with time. Rather, what happens is it comes in unexpected waves with depths unfathomable…and we come through to grow and expand into new aspects of life.

I watched the river flow around the pylons of the Fremantle bridge and remembered…Grief - we build our life around it.

In my work as a natural educator it is a joy to be teaching again.

The online calendar on my website is up-to-date. 
Currently all courses presented by Sylvia are online via zoom.

Rich blessings of love to you.

Sylvia Marina

Principal of Heart Leaders Academy