Feng Shui, Grief, Loss and Renewal

From, Fran Maunton:

Our first-born daughter arrived on 26th March 1993, almost 8 weeks before her due date.

She weighed 5 pound and was 50 cm long…………her time in special care nursery dealt with a touch of jaundice and trained her to manage her core body temperature. She did remarkably well coming home 3 weeks after her birth  (5 weeks before her due date) and we were not ready! It was all a bit of a whirlwind and just as we were all settling in to a new family routine she began to exhibit what I thought was the beginning of a chest cold.

At 3 months old she was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – a heart condition that is rarely seen in babies and usually is an aftermath of viral illness in teenagers or sometimes adults.

Claire died at 10 & half months of age. Medication options had not provided any lasting relief and we chose not to follow the transplant option offered to us.

We subsequently had two other healthy daughters, strong in heart and body, now 27 and 24, who each came to us with their own special healing purposes and powers.

At the time of Claire’s death I promised myself that I would always remember what this loss felt like and use it to be ever thankful for what I had. I also vowed to be a socially acceptable bereaved mother so that I could ensure that Claire remained a part of our conversation for as long as I wanted her to…which was forever!

I knew that the further I got from the time of her death the less acceptable it would be to cry or be emotional in public – so I didn’t and I wasn’t, and that ensured that people were happy for me to speak about her and her life experiences.

But privately I struggled with guilt, sadness, anger and depression.

In 2003 I happened across – or was divinely guided to the science of Feng Shui, and in 2004 I pursued support, via a professional Feng Shui consultant, to learn more and to help with sudden money problems we had. While I was at it I thought I might use this avenue to help with our marital relationship difficulties. My husband was dealing with grief in a male manner, and had no idea what to do with a wife who (privately) seesaw-ed between crying most nights, screaming too often on too many days and apathy. Therein began a fascination for me with Feng Shui and all things energetic – which is quite a story in itself.

Importantly the Feng Shui recommendations helped with our $$ problem AND created a cleared space giving Rob and I the opportunity to consider our life together differently, to see each other and what we wanted for us in a new light - and to see where we had been. 

I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders – well off my heart really – and Rob became much more open emotionally and  to doing things differently.

I see now that this was a giant step through grief that guided us toward healing and much more learning about the energy of health, wealth & happiness.  How tapping into the energy of our spaces – the spaces in our homes, our work places as well as our heads hearts and bodies, can positively support all aspects of our lives and support healing from our life experiences.

Since Feng Shui’ing our home picked us both up from our pits of grief, I have learnt and experienced a whole range of energetic modalities (including working with Sylvia Marina) that have continued our healing and acceptance of the particular cycle of life that was our destiny.  I have found my way back to feeling safe to be happy.

I know that depression will not trouble me again and that while sadness will always surround the experience of Claire’s life and death, I am also grateful for all I have learned and the people I have met because of Claire. 

I know now too that I don’t need the world to know about her because the most important people – that is me, her Dad, her sisters and close family – now, and always will – have her memory and their love for her tucked safely in their hearts.   Thank you to all who have supported us along the way.


Colleague, friend and supporter of the work of Sylvia Marina, Fran is a wife, mother and businesswoman with a diverse and different range of interests including... the game of lacrosse, singing for fun, supporting - via volunteering a local support group known as Heartkids WA, and Feng Shui.

Her business is educating and consulting both individuals and businesses. Fran is passionate about bringing the benefits of Feng Shui to as many people as possible; and helping people realise the potential and power of their spaces.
 You can see more of her work here.
Sylvia said: “When I put a notice on social media for an apprentice, within moments Fran answered, “Can I help you?” these were sweet words to my Soul.

My workshop “Getting The Love You Want” had been growing in a recess of my mind until one-day I knew it was time to actualize it. As Getting The Love You Want travelled it brought to us its now forever name, “Creating The Life You Want”.