Getting the Love You Really Want

What we truly yearn is choice and freedom.

For many, any attempt to achieve freedom appears massively ineffective, treacherous, difficult and a Cinderella ‘cinders to the throne’, fairy tale.

Let’s think sensibly!

Before we emerged into this physical world we had an intimate relationship with the feminine energy. From the time of conception you were physically and emotionally connected to Mother.

Connection is a fundamental human need.

When we don’t feel connected, we look to others for approval. But the human quest often involves people pleasing, which if taken to extreme is a destructive energy.

Dissatisfied people become addicted to ‘needing approval’ and spend countless hours either directly or indirectly seeking. Seekers compare themselves against how they perceive others to be in relationships, career, business and finances.

Comparing is a destructive element in relationships. Approval from outside sources does not give us the love we want. It is normal to offer and receive approval, but if you feel dissatisfied with how your efforts to please are being rewarded, there is inner work to do.

Disappointment, dissatisfaction, loneliness is mostly a trans generational trauma. In the study of Epigenetics, we see how trauma is carried through family genes into future generations. Every time this occurs we are slammed into ‘no choice’ again.

Every time you feel you are misunderstood, not considered, overlooked, you are catapulted into feeling ‘no choice’, and helpless.

You wonder why the intensity of emotion, logically you know you can manage your life better, BUT an explosion of emotion is ready to erupt. You either burst out and express, and later regret your behaviour OR you swallow, clench your teeth and hold the emotion in...both behaviours have destructive consequences.

Why does this intensity and force happen?

Unresolved trans generational trauma is actively locked in your cellular memory.

Dysfunction in previous generations can be showing up in reoccurring health issues, no matter how hard you have tried to change; habits, behaviour, addiction.

Most therapies say they can clear these trauma’s, they don’t. I have more than thirty years research working with private clients and from this experience created programs that make permanent change.

In Transforming DNA Memories you learn how to gently work through the ages of trans generational trauma, changing the energy, creating a new and possible (not fairy tale) reality.

My quest is to assist you to have more love, joy and freedom in your life, everyday.What we truly yearn is choice and freedom.

For many, any attempt to achieve freedom appears massively ineffective, treacherous, difficult and a Cinderella ‘cinders to the throne’, fairy tale.

Let’s think sensibly!

Before we emerged into this physical world we had an intimate relationship with the feminine energy. From the time of conception you were physically and emotionally connected to Mother.

Connection is a fundamental human need.

When we don’t feel connected, we look to others for approval. But the human quest often involves people pleasing, which if taken to extreme is a destructive energy.

Dissatisfied people become addicted to ‘needing approval’ and spend countless hours either directly or indirectly seeking. Seekers compare themselves against how they perceive others to be in relationships, career, business and finances.

Comparing is a destructive element in relationships. Approval from outside sources does not give us the love we want. It is normal to offer and receive approval, but if you feel dissatisfied with how your efforts to please are being rewarded, there is inner work to do.

Disappointment, dissatisfaction, loneliness is mostly a trans generational trauma. In the study of Epigenetics, we see how trauma is carried through family genes into future generations. Every time this occurs we are slammed into ‘no choice’ again.

Every time you feel you are misunderstood, not considered, overlooked, you are catapulted into feeling ‘no choice’, and helpless.

You wonder why the intensity of emotion, logically you know you can manage your life better, BUT an explosion of emotion is ready to erupt. You either burst out and express, and later regret your behaviour OR you swallow, clench your teeth and hold the emotion in...both behaviours have destructive consequences.

Why does this intensity and force happen?

Unresolved trans generational trauma is actively locked in your cellular memory.

Dysfunction in previous generations can be showing up in reoccurring health issues, no matter how hard you have tried to change; habits, behaviour, addiction.

Most therapies say they can clear these trauma’s, they don’t. I have more than thirty years research working with private clients and from this experience created programs that make permanent change.

In Transforming DNA Memories you learn how to gently work through the ages of trans generational trauma, changing the energy, creating a new and possible (not fairy tale) reality.

My quest is to assist you to have more love, joy and freedom in your life, everyday.