"Wait there will be a time"

2024 March 831.          

Wait there will be a time - That time is NOW!

A personal note from Sylvia 

This week is the anniversary of my birth. 

Through the years I’ve thought and wondered about my birth mother, her voice, her laughter, her song and…just her.  A woman I never met and yet strange as it may seem, I knew her. I was created in her belly, and she was created from the ovum of her mother, who was created by her grandmother – infinitum, to infinity. Everyday as I grew, like every in-utero experience, I was aware of my mother's voice, and her emotions - each has a vibrational energy that is carried to the developing child.

Genetically, we carry more of our mother’s genes than our father’s. The little organelles that live within our cells (mitochondria) are only received from our mother. 

Of course, father’s genes are important…but this is not a human bio class however it is worthy of our thoughts and considerations because all that is carried in the maternal and paternal DNA contributes to the genius of humans.

Those who have attended Transforming DNA Memories know we speak briefly of ‘structure’ function’  - being related to the way we function because of our physical structure, as well as the makeup of our mental and emotional selves.

My lifelong interest has always been in the psychology of being human. When we consider the 'structure function' this reaches further than structural analysis. Consider family lineage talents, that which are called natural abilities, mathematics, languages, music, art… these talents are inherited, they are in the family line. If you have ever thought you ‘missed your calling’ it means what you feel in your genes has not yet manifested.

I realised from a young age that my talents could not manifest in the situation of my childhood. I was impeded. Fortunately, my higher consciousness, possibly my grandmother energy, encouraged my restless heart to wait, whispered to me - 'wait - there will be a time.' More than twenty years later, my genius activated.

It’s obvious, if we can carry the genius of our lineage / bloodline, we carry emotional behaviours, trauma memories, dyslexic traits, anger… this is not a time for blaming. Some memory skips a generation ie multiple births. Inherited behaviours, including trauma memories are stored in the preconscious or cellular memory that is then activated by a present time trigger. Whatever manifests in our life is our self-responsibility.

The good news is, if trauma memory is passed from generation to generation so can healing!  This is the reason I’ve been training more leaders to facilitate the beautiful work of Transforming DNA Memories.  What we heal in ourselves we heal in the family line.

As I celebrate another trip around the sun…there is a whisper from my heart to my birth mother and father, their parents and all of their grand-mothers and grand-fathers; the whisper from my heart is to their place in the celestial realms; 'thank you for your gifts.'

Sylvia Marina

Principal of Heart Leaders Academy

Sylvia has IKC PDS, teachers in Australia, Canary Islands, Denmark, Ireland, Germany, Norway, Scotland, Spain, New Zealand, Russia, UK, USA…and is open to expanding. If your pathway is oriented toward teaching personal and spiritual development in. the self-responsibility model of learning email your interest.

IKC PDS – International Kinesiology College, Personal Development School.